Here ares some pics of the finished garden, notice that I made a few more paths out of some more scavenged rocks and some barn boards:
Yes there does seem to be a lot of empty space...BUT those have seeds in them which will hopefully produce a beautiful cornucopia of edibles! |
This is my little corner herb garden. It's so cute! |
Here is a list of the veg we are growing this year:
- Tomatoes... of course, they are all cherry varieties, including the more exotic yellow canary and zebra striped but including Sweet 100 and Juliets
- Basil...and lots of it! pesto here I come!
- Herbs - parsley, lemon balm, rosemary, sage, thyme, oregano and dill
- Snap Peas
- Rapini
- Brussel Sprouts
- Cabbage
- Bok Choi
- Swiss Chard
- Collards
- Carrots
- Jalapenos
- Red Chilis
- Corn
- Scarlet Runner Beans
- Squash
- Cucumbers
- Cantaloupe
- Zucchini
- Eggplants - Sicilian and Kermit Thai
I have high hopes for this garden. I'm really hoping to reel in a big harvest come the end of the summer and stock it away for the winter, plus its just fun to putter around in the garden. Tim seems to be all for the garden but I'm not sure if he knows what he is getting himself into - he did plant the parsley and then complain of vertigo after standing up. It might be a long summer of weeding.
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